The Blessings of the Ramadhan

The month of Ramadan is a momentum for Muslims to spread kindness. The month that Muslims have been waiting for and has many in its blessing. The abundance of blessings in Ramadan, makes the community gather to work and spread goodness.

Based on blessing of the month of Ramadhan takjil traders got the blessings of the month of Ramadan directlyArmed with their wares, they started to buy something in takjil market in the space provided.

Like, dozens trader takjil on Jl. Kawi Kepanjen, Malang Regency. Close to many post officespublic who are enthusiastic, make this takjil market always crowded when ngabuburit arrives.

Moreover, this takjil market makes it easier for people, especially Muslims, to find iftar menus. By coming to this takjil market, they are free to choose the food and drink menu as they wish.

The takjil market starts to get crowded at 15.00 in the afternoon. The streets are starting to get crowded with people who want to hunt iftar food.By coming to this takjil market, they are free to choose the food and drink menu as they wish.This takjil market brings blessings to takjil traders. In accordance with the concept of Ramadan, where the month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings.Dozens of culinary sellers sell a variety of vegetables, food and drinks.

Prices start at 1,000 – 20,000 with variants of food or drinks and even various kinds of cakes.Therefore, this takjil market is one of the recommendations for the public and students to find a menu for breaking the fast.In addition, this takjil market is a blessing for traders to earn fortune in this blessed month of Ramadan.



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